The Tandem Family of Gas Analysers offers you sophisticated CO2 and O2 gas measurement at a similar price to your other standard probes and sensors. Formerly the reserve of expensive equipment, you can now afford dedicated, individual, on-line monitoring and control of your processes. You gain the reliability and the flexibility required in your facility. At a time of squeezed capital budgets, the Tandem fits your needs.
Tandem MULTIPLEX For facilities with several reactors where dedicated, continuous, monitoring is not required, the Mutliplex is the ideal choice. The functionality is similar to the PRO model, while it comes with a choice to connect from 6 up to 18 fermenters at one time. The cycle time between fermenters can be set by the user.
Tandem PRO The PRO model is used from laboratory through to production facilities and adds extra functionality to the TGA via a screen and microprocessor. An integrated pump aids installation where high gas flow rates are used, for example in large reactors. Manual and automatic calibrations are performed by the unit with alarms and error messages available. The output signals require no further calibration or modification in the reactor software.
Tandem TGA The attractively priced entry level model is ideal for all laboratory and pilot applications. The small footprint means it can be placed right beside the reactor making installation quick and easy. It outputs a signal to the local fermenter control system where calibration is performed and the measurements displayed - just like other standard sensors such as pH and DO.
Gas Analyser Benefits
The Tandem is incredible value and offers you all these benefits:
Greater understanding of your cells and processes
- Physiological state measurement on-line
- Scale-up and scale-down predictions
- Batch variation studies: feature analysis
- Metabolic flux analysis and mass-balance calculations
Increase the reliability and repeatability of your processes
- Accurate fed-batch control
- Repeatable event decisions: induction, infection, harvesting etc.
- Batch variation studies: anomaly analysis
Automate your processes
- Metabolic activity based feeding
- Repeatable event decisions: induction, infection, harvesting etc.
Dedicated, continuous, standard signals for all your reactors
- On-line information, allows real-time calculation of RQ, CER, OUR, growth rate, KLa etc.
- 0-10V and 4-20mA, with RS232 on PRO & Multiplex
- Integrates to any reactor size (250ml – 100m3)
Case Studies:
Escherichia Coli Process Development
The Tandem provides fine detail on the real-time activity of the organism: the first switch in feed is clearly visible while RQ changes may reflect metabolic changes in carbon and nitrogen substrates.Automating the feed profiles from this information has optimised the process.
The example below shows how the Tandem gas analyzer was used to determine the point of phosphate depletion. There was a sharp fall in carbon dioxide and a rise in oxygen in the exhaust
gas, corresponding to a metabolic event.
Installation of all systems is simple and can be done by the end-user. The exhaust gas analyser is placed after
the condenser and filter. We recommend a foam trap before the analyser and, if the condenser is not efficient,
a drying agent may be used (e.g. Connections for gases are 6mm nylon tubing gas compression fittings. there is a one year guarantee for the systems and, depending on use, we recommend a service every 1-2 years.